Contest-related entries
Over the years I've entered in several contests in Internet,
all around the world, the entries accumulated, and I had a hard time choosing
what goes where in this site or what deserves its own page, so here you'll
find the "master" index into all.
JS1K entries:
- Toledo Javascript Chess, check for the 1K version
that won the first JS1K contest and defeated several hundreds of novice
players along the world.
- Meteors for JS1k 2013 spring contest, an
Asteroids-clone in 1K of Javascript, complete with asteroids, explosions, score
and tiny enemy spaceships that shoot back!.
- Elemental Master for JS1k 2016
Elemental contest, a tunnel-like game in 1K of Javascript, catch the yellow
atoms, avoid the red ones.
- Diva's Magic Dream for JS1k 2017
Magic contest, save the diva from her fans and destroy the Moai heads!
International Obfuscated C Code Contest (IOCCC) entries:
- 3D Tanks game, winner of 20th IOCCC. A 3D tanks
game for two players.
- Intel 8080 emulator, winner of 19th IOCCC as Best of Show.
Emulates the complete processor including video, keyboard and disk drives,
well enough to run CP/M and its vast software resources.
- Toledo Chess 2, winner of 19th IOCCC.
Chess program with X/Window and Windows graphical user interface.
- Knight's tour solver, winner of 19th IOCCC.
A program that solves the knight's tour over a chessboard.
- Toledo Chess 1, winner of 18th IOCCC.
A text based chess program written in C language.
Entries for MSXdev:
- Zombie Near, 2nd place at MSXdev'10,
survive in zombie-infested laboratories, rescue scientists and defeat bosses
to escape.
- Mecha-8, 5th place at MSXdev'11,
an army of aliens has invaded a little planet and defeated the defenders, or
almost, still remains Mecha-8.
Entries for 2018 4k Short'n'Sweet Contest:
- Borzork, 2nd place,
a Berzerk clone with graphics close to arcade.
- Astro Cube, 5th place of 9 entries,
a rain of geometrical figures should be stopped at any price.
Other contests:
- Toledo Atomchess for Atari VCS/2600,
for the Hackaday 1K contest that finished Jan/09/2017, a 6502 chess program in 1K
self-contained that runs over an unmodified Atari VCS/2600, with AI, graphical
chessboard and easy entering of movements with joystick.
- Star Trek inspired X-Ray device, for the
2017 Sci-Fi Hackaday contest, toy which shows prepared X-ray images when touching the
illustrated screen a la Star Trek. Very easy to build at home using an Arduino,
TFT screen and a led bar.
- Tentris (2021). I wrote a Tetris in only 10 lines of GW-BASIC language for the ten-liner BASIC challenge.
Last modified: May/24/2023